We’ll consider all the angles to make sure you get the very best outcomes.
Our expertise gets your product where it needs to be: out the door.
Managing your deadline is our top priority. Time after time, every time.
We address all the aspects of production capacity that really matter to you: engineering, throughput, speed, quality, and time to delivery.
How have we created the best plastics production capability in the industry? Our flexible thinking has reengineered the whole concept of capacity. We bring engineering excellence, high-volume throughput, cost-reducing supplier deals, and the fastest tooling ramp-up.
At Revere, capacity means a lot more than available presses, it’s a built-in ability to get the job done.
Does your supplier have the engineering capacity to help you find the cost-saving options available to you?
Does your supplier have the volume capacity to negotiate the best deal for raw materials?
Does your supplier have the management capacity to make monthly improvements to your manufacturing?
Revere has these capacities and more.
When an existing supplier’s limited capacity interrupted production, continuity became our customer’s burning platform. Revere’s ability to reimagine capacity quickly scaled up production and started delivering dependable plastics parts supply in just ten days.
Smart approaches to injection molding and plastics assembly drives cost savings and speed.
Who will make sure that your beautifully designed product comes off the conveyor as well as it came off in CAD? Revere engineers the production process to ensure you meet budgets and beat deadlines. Our production capacity– combined with our flexible design – means freedom to use different molded plastics, alternative assembly techniques or entire metal-to-plastic conversions.
From plan to prototype to production, we focus on saving time and cutting costs all the way down the line.
Does your supplier diagnose problems before they arise by using mold flow simulations?
Is your supplier molding your needs to fit their capacity?
Does your supplier deploy advanced assembly techniques to speed up production?
Want production cycles designed to your spec?
It’s rarely enough to just “go with the flow” in your plastics supply chain. Meeting budgets and beating deadlines requires a precise, deliberate approach, one that’s based on real knowledge of exactly how your production is going to perform. Mold flow simulations prevent downtime and identify opportunities to speed up production. That means the ability to test up-front, heading off any issues long before the end of the line.
Our unmatched logistics management and supply chain ensures you'll never miss another deadline.
Missed deliveries taking a toll on your supply chain? At Revere, we understand that the job isn’t over until the right parts are in the right place at the right time. That’s why we’ve reengineered the logistics of plastic injection molding to make sure you’re always meeting deadlines. Our ability to quickly ramp up tooling, hit tight delivery windows and even provide near-site storage completely molds to your just-in-time process.
Our flexible delivery means never missing rigid deadlines.
Does your supplier have redundant capabilities at multiple locations to ensure they never let you down, no matter what?
Does your supplier directly control every link in their supply chain?
Does your supplier deploy modern warehousing techniques to deliver just-in-time, every time?
Get delivery on your terms, not your supplier’s.
You can’t be considered a world-class plastics injection molding supplier until you’re delivering to multiple countries, on multiple continents. That’s exactly what Revere does every day.
Our plastic parts have been around the globe and back again, leaving our facilities in North America, and finishing their journey within a range of the world’s favorite products.