Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous improvement through the elimination of waste.
The size and scope of a kaizen can vary. At Revere we define it as “a quick improvement that eliminates waste and can be accomplished without major assistance from outside your natural work group”.
We have set a company goal to complete >300 kaizens per month by the start of Q4, 2024. To achieve this goal it will take every team member in the company.
Here is a presentation What Is A Kaizen that explains the following;
- What is a Kaizen?
- The Eight Forms of Waste.
- 2024 Goal.
- How to generating kaizen ideas.
- The collection process.
- A QR code to post in your department or site.
Here is a link to the kaizen collection form; https://www.revereplasticssystems.com/kaizen/
If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact me. I would be glad to review the attached presentation with your team.
Art Narcisi,